Monday 15 August 2011


they come in all shapes and sizes...
different characters,different personalitie..
But one thing is obvious ..on the games of love a dude will never play fair..for instance
Cool and collected Collins
Really made,hes got everything made,from his work, his lifestyle, friends even family background ..'catch'- this guy is a target for all the girls, but why shouldn't he..girls love stability as collins mingles with the ladies he develops an ego and damn a big ego he gets ....he becomes the the dude Every dude wants to become he becomes a womanizer leaving behind a trail of broken hearts..
then theres
Mysterious Martin
this guys is so smooth,he looks a Greek god..hes charming but 'catch' hes mindful of whatever he says or does..he doesn't give anything away,where he lives,what he does,.if his into you or not so all your left with is questions? ...and funny enough girls totally dig this type of guy ..the element of suspicion keeps the girl there and in the process entertaining Martin ...he has girls on his trail and guess what he loves it.
Cunning Carl
this guy is totally sharp...he will lie to you..tell you all the things you want to hear himself out of paying a bill, he will make you do things for him, he never leaves his phone near you..hus Facebook relationship is status either not there or worse his single ...Carl has girlfriends all over the city,clandestine in every area code because to him he is too lazy to do anything for himself, characteristics of a 'carl' really handsome, probably in uni, has a clique of guys with same characteristics, have mummy issues, always broke,doesn't have any sense of respect for women ..address women to names like 'bitch' ,'chick' and are always talking about things they dont have
Disaster Dickson
this guy is a train reck!no job,probably some baby mama issues, probably a girls think they can change a woman goes out of her way to try change him but in the process ends up supporting his ill mannered behaviors and is wheeled in the cycle of feeding his habits and ends up a mess ...all in the name of love ...

there are many characters out there and trust ill let you know..
to be continued .........

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!!that's deep gal!!!!didnt know u are a poet....should share a few of mine with you
