Wednesday 28 March 2012

My Kenya

The Kenya I want Kenya undoubtbly has been the most beautiful country I know and without any reason I just love my country, beautiful ,warm people, unique cultures, exquiste landscape, delicious food, this list could go on and on. It will always be like this but It can be better,way better, I believe it can be better. Despite over the decades ,after independence Kenya’s political side/life has been the centerfold of this great nation, and without a doubt its interesting , Kenya’s politics is like a soap opera that gets juicer each time you switch on the news or read your local dailies and the soap opera is called ‘ELECTIONS’. Elections for me are my gate pass to the Kenya I want, My Kenya is a country that despite past events that lead to great pain and suffering ,the people can still hold their heads up and move on as one to rebuild the nation,My Kenya is a state,whose at the apex of its economy ,by creation of jobs for every qualifed individual with different skills, creating a firm industrial market to support the country, to venture different aspects of its people skills and talents by establishing performing arts schools and being involved in the art centres to breed world class actors,musicians, instumentists,fashion designers ,artist etc. My Kenya has is a nation whose goverment is not corrupt and their main purpose is to serve its people with quality and efficient service.My Kenya has GOOD HEALTH CARE facilities and policies to ensure its population is well taken care of, good housing covers and policies for all types of people,no ethnic bondaries because my Kenya ia a nation of ONE people who stand together. My Kenya in its self will be a paradise for me and my children and my childrens children, an African state like no other , Unique! My Kenya.... Its a long shot but its a shot, you vote counts to change what it is now to your Kenya. Be it December or March make your vote count and make the right move ,be a WISE VOTER, start now look past the promises of the politicians and judge by their past achievements and potential to actually being a catalyst for the reaction you need to discover OF YOUR KENYA, Our Kenya BE WISE.

1 comment:

  1. Good Patriotism; As graffitis' on our street along Nairobi street. Politicians regards as idiots. Let voters take a stand and vote wiserly.
